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Y2K Team 
Chan Robles  
Law Firm 

Executive Order No. 14 [August 19, 1998]  Establishing the
Presidential Commission on
Year 2000 Compliance
FRENCH Translation
GERMAN Translation
ITALIAN Translation
PORTUGUESE Translation
SPANISH Translation
 CHAN ROBLES AND ASSOCIATES LAW FIRM - Welcome to the Home of the Philippine On-Line Legal Resources
Implications on Labor and Employment 
Y2K presents a problem on the adequacy of the software being used by personnel and human resources departments.  More than this concern, however, are the issues of whether to hire additional employees - on a permanent or temporary basis - to meet the problems of Y2K and what form of benefit and compensation package to grant especially with respect to highly-skilled consultants, programmers  and engineers who will be hired only for this purpose.  A question also arises on whether independent contractors should instead be engaged.  And in case the latter option is resorted to, what should be the effect on copyright and other intellectual property rights on the resulting software or derivative products?  Who becomes the owner thereof? 

These and other issues with far-reaching legal implications deserve to  be studied carefully.  

For further information, contact us via mail  or e-mail .
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Since 19.07.98