SEC. 141. Distilled Spirits. - On distilled spirits, there shall be collected, subject to the provisions of Section 133 of this Code, excise taxes as follows:
"Spirits or distilled spirits" is the substance known as ethyl alcohol, ethanol or spirits of wine, including all dilutions, purifications and mixtures thereof, from whatever source, by whatever process produced, and shall include whisky, brandy, rum, gin and vodka, and other similar products or mixtures.
"Proof spirits" is liquor containing one-half (1/2) of its volume of alcohol of a specific gravity of seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine thousandths (0.7939) at fifteen degrees centigrade (15O C). A "proof liter" means a liter of proof spirits.
The rates of tax imposed under this Section shall be increased by twelve percent (12%) on January 1, 2000.
New brands shall be classified according to their current "net retail price".
For the above purpose, "net retail price" shall mean the price at which the distilled spirit is sold on retail in ten (10) major supermarkets in Metro Manila, excluding the amount intended to cover the applicable excise tax and the value-added tax as of October 1, 1996.
The classification of
each brand of distilled spirits based on the average net retail price as
of October 1, 1996, as set forth in Annex "A", shall remain in force
until revised by Congress.
142. Wines. -
On wines, there shall be collected per liter of volume capacity, the following
The rates of tax imposed under this Section shall be increased by twelve percent (12%) on January 1, 2000.
New brands shall be classified according to their current net retail price.
For the above purpose, "net retail price" shall mean the price at which wine is sold on retail in ten (10) major supermarkets in Metro Manila, excluding the amount intended to cover the applicable excise tax and the value-added tax as of October 1, 1996.
The classification of
each brand of wines based on its average net retail price as of October
1, 1996, as set forth in Annex "B", shall remain in force until
revised by Congress.
143. Fermented Liquor. -
There shall be levied, assessed and collected an excise tax on beer, lager
beer, ale, porter and other fermented liquors except tuba, basi, tapuy
and similar domestic fermented liquors in accordance with the following
Fermented liquor which are brewed and sold at micro-breweries or small establishments such as pubs and restaurants shall be subject to the rate in paragraph (c) hereof.
The excise tax from any brand of fermented liquor within the next three (3) years from the effectivity of Republic Act No. 8240 shall not be lower than the tax which was due from each brand on October 1, 1996.
The rates of excise tax on fermented liquor under paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) hereof shall be increased by twelve percent (12%) on January 1, 2000.
New brands shall be classified according to their current net retail price.
For the above purpose, "net retail price" shall mean the price at which the fermented liquor is sold on retail in twenty (20) major supermarkets in Metro Manila (for brands of fermented liquor marketed nationally) excluding the amount intended to cover the applicable excise tax and the value-added tax. For brands which are marketed only outside Metro Manila, the "net retail price" shall mean the price at the which the fermented liquor is sold in five (5) major supermarkets in the region excluding the amount intended to cover the applicable excise tax and the value-added tax.
The classification of each brand of fermented liquor based on its average net retail price as of October 1, 1996, as set forth in Annex "C", shall remain in force until revised by Congress.
"A variant of brand" shall refer to a brand on which a modifier is prefixed and/or suffixed to the root name of the brand and/or a different brand which carries the same logo or design of the existing brand.
Every brewer or importer of fermented liquor shall, within thirty (30) days from the effectivity of R. A. No. 8240, and within the first five (5) days of every month thereafter, submit to the Commissioner a sworn statement of the volume of sales for each particular brand of fermented liquor sold at his establishment for the three-month period immediately preceding.
Any brewer or importer who, in violation of this Section, knowingly misdeclares or misrepresents in his or its sworn statement herein required any pertinent data or information shall be penalized by a summary cancellation or withdrawal of his or its permit to engage in business as brewer or importer of fermented liquor.
Any corporation, association or partnership liable for any of the acts or omissions in violation of this Section shall be fined treble the amount of deficiency taxes, surcharge, and interest which may be assessed pursuant to this Section.
Any person liable for any of the acts or omissions prohibited under this Section shall be criminally liable and penalized under Section 254 of this Code. Any person who willfully aids or abets in the commission of any such act or omission shall be criminally liable in the same manner as the principal.
If the offender is not a citizen of the Philippines, he shall be deported immediately after serving the sentence, without further proceedings for deportation.
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