SEC. 283. Disposition of National Internal Revenue. - National Internal revenue collected and not applied as herein above provided or otherwise specially disposed of by law shall accrue to the National Treasury and shall be available for the general purposes of the Government, with the exception of the amounts set apart by way of allotment as provided for under Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991.
In addition to the internal revenue allotment as provided for in the preceding paragraph, fifty percent (50%) of the national taxes collected under Sections 106, 108 and 116 of this Code in excess of the increase in collections for the immediately preceding year shall be distributed as follows:
The Secretary of Finance
is hereby authorized to deduct from the monthly internal revenue tax collections
an amount equivalent to the percentage as herein fixed, and to remit the
same directly to the Commission on Audit under such rules and regulations
as may be promulgated by the Secretary of Finance and the Chairman of the
Commission on Audit.
285. Allotment for the Bureau of Internal Revenue. - An
amount equivalent to five percent (5%) of the excess of actual collections
of national internal revenue taxes over the collection goal shall accrue
to the special fund of the Bureau of Internal Revenue and shall be treated
as receipts automatically appropriated. Said amount shall be utilized as
incentive bonus for revenue personnel, purchase of necessary equipment
and facilities for the improvement of tax administration, as approved by
the Commissioner: Provided, That the President may, upon recommendation
of the Commissioner, direct that the excess be credited to a Special Account
in the National Treasury to be held in the reserve available for distribution
as incentive bonus in the subsequent years.
The Secretary of Finance is hereby authorized to transfer from the Treasury an amount equivalent to the percentage as herein fixed and to remit the same directly to the Bureau of Internal Revenue under such rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the Secretary of Finance.
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